I ran the point density tool and got an output, but because the 'Area Units' option in the Point Density was locked to Square_Map_Units - I don't know how to tell what units the density was calculated with, and no way to convert that into density/km2 which is my desired output.

  • the (area units) should be adjustable when you select your point shapefile.
    – Moh
    Commented Jun 26, 2018 at 14:38
  • Moh, the (Area units) option remains greyed out through the whole of entering information into the tool. I tried creating a new arcmap document and re-added my layers and it is still greyed out. Commented Jun 26, 2018 at 14:53

1 Answer 1


Based on the tool (Point Density) that:

If the output units is anything other than feet or meters, the output area density units will be set to SQUARE_MAP_UNITS. That is, the output density units will be the square of the linear units of the output spatial reference.

For example,

if the output linear units is centimeters, the output area density units will be SQUARE_MAP_UNITS, which would result in square centimeters. If the output linear units is kilometers, the output area density units will be SQUARE_MAP_UNITS, which would result in square kilometers.

  • 1
    Thank you Moh, between this and your other answer I was able to find out what the issue was. I needed to change my data to a projected coordinate system (using the project Data Management tool). I thought I had done that already, but I did it for my Data Frame, not my actual Data. Thanks for the help! Commented Jun 26, 2018 at 15:04

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