I have a dataset of gps points with DateTime and id field and I would like to create a line vector so that I can use this vector for interpolation on a raster. My goal is to find the mean of the altitude between a location and the next one. Is it possible in QGIS? I manage to create the trajectories with the Points to path function, but now I don't know how to use this "linestring" file. Can someone help me?
EDIT: The altitude is stored in a different file, a raster. What I would like to achive is to create a line with the gps locations and then use this line to find on my altitude raster the mean of the altitude between two successive locations. My output should be something like this:
x y DateTime id mean.altitude
716310.48 7343903 12/07/2010 00:00 05 356
718398.12 7341580 12/07/2010 02:00 05 301
where mean.altitude is the mean altitude of the imaginary elements (where the line lies) between the first point and the second one.
points to path
, could you edit your question to make it clearer as to what you are trying to do?