I am trying to georeference already georeferenced single band raster data using GDAL with four GCP's.
Input image is having Coordinate system GCS- WGS1984 (EPSG:4326). Following Command is run on command Prompt:
"gdal_translate -of GTiff -gcp 72.4819 23.0179 72.4819 23.0179 -gcp 72.492 23.0079 72.492 23.0079 -gcp 72.4819 23.0086 72.4819 23.0086 -gcp 72.496 23.0169 72.496 23.0169 input.tiff output1.tiff"
"gdalwarp -r near -order 1 -co COMPRESS=NONE -s_srs EPSG:4326 -t_srs EPSG:4326 output1.tiff" output.tiff"
After running this command on command prompt and opening output generated file in QGIS the output is not having the coordinate system as EPSG:4326.
Image is opening somewhere else location in QGIS viewer. Hence the image is not properly georeferenced.
I ran georefrencing tool in QGIS with same input dataset it is giving the expected output and image is opening on exact Geographic location.
I copied generated gdal script from QGIS and ran again in Command Prompt and opened output again in QGIS. The image is not as expected.
- Is this above command is correct for georeferencing already georeferenced data?
- Apart from above command Is there any another internal Command QGIS using for georeferencing raster image?
- After running gdalwarp, why the output generated is not resampled and not having mentioned coordinate system.