I would like to read multiple features with ol.format.WKT
In the documentation, it says that the function readFeatures
takes an array as parameter. I tried the following:
let wkt = new ol.format.WKT;
wkt.readFeatures(["POINT(-378147.31208516686 599021.3516006605)", "POINT(-378300.01500700554 599159.7386235767)"]);
But I get an error :
Uncaught Error: Unexpected `` at position 0 in ``
at Tu (ol.js:659)
at Ku.k.Gd (ol.js:655)
at Ku.k.Ng (ol.js:655)
at Ku.k.Qa (ol.js:562)
at <anonymous>:1:5
Has anyone any clue ? I tried searching on the internet but no exemples are available for this specific method, and there are none either in the documentation...
EDIT The function doesn't takes an Array as parameter but a string or an Object (if I red well). What are the syntaxes to use those inputs ? I had no success so far with GEOMETRYCOLLECTION string (see below).