I am very new to QGIS and GIS itself. I have a shapefile, which was created using Pulkovo 1995/GK zone 9(EPSG:20009) and I want to transform it to new CRS, specifically WGS84(EPSG:4326). So the main question is what is the best way to do so?
I have tried to use the Reprojection Layer feature but the coordinates of my layer doesn't change, even if my CRS changed formally.
For example: I am creating new project and define the project CRS as Pulkovo1995. Then I load the original layer and everything seems OK. In the next step I use Reprojection Layer and my layer disappears until I change the project CRS to WGS84. But the coordinates of the objects remains the same. I cannot see this layer on ESRI maps nor load it into Google Earth. Save As function doesn't help also.