I am trying to extract a banks layer from daily OSM extract pbf files for Nepal. After using osmosis and ogr2ogr, I was able to get it into a PostGIS Database.
Here are the commands I used:
osmosis --read-pbf-fast file="latest.pbf" --tf accept-nodes amenity=bank,atm,bureau_de_change --tf reject-ways --tf reject-relations --write-pbf file="banks.pbf"
ogr2ogr -f PGDump banks.sql banks.pbf -lco COLUMN_TYPES=other_tags=hstore --config OSM_CONFIG_FILE conf/banks.ini
Relevant bits of the ini file:
# common attributes
# keys to report as OGR fields
# keys that, alone, are not significant enough to report a node as a OGR point
# keys that should NOT be reported in the "other_tags" field
# uncomment to avoid creation of "other_tags" field
Here's the first column from the PostGIS database:
ogc_fid | wkb_geometry | osm_id | name | barrier | highway | ref | address | is_in | place | man_made | other_tags
1 | 0101000020E61000007D29972169545540B24F00C5C8AE3B40 | 425306730 | Nabil Bank Pulchowk | | | | | | | | "amenity"=>"bank", "operator"=>"Nabil Bank"
I then performed these steps:
- Created a new store in my GeoServer and linked it to this PostGIS db.
- Clicked on Layers > Add Layer and chose the new store.
- Found the banks layer on it and clicked "Publish".
On the publishing page, the native SRS was not set and the declared SRS was EPSG 404000. The bounding box was also empty.
On clicking Compute from data
, I got an error. Compute from native SRS
didn't work at all.
Therefore, I set the declared SRS to EPSG 4326
and tried to compute from data. It returns -180 -90 180 90
With this, I published the layer, but I can't preview it on the GeoServer. I don't think the CRS has been applied correctly.
How do I set the Native CRS correctly once the data is in the PostGIS db?
SELECT ST_SRID(wkb_geometry) FROM <your_layer>;
return? if unknown or 0, try updating the column (UpdateGeometrySRID
). you can specify the output CRS during import with ogr2ogr (-a_srs <SRID>
). see if GeoServer is able to identify the CRS then.