It's a multi-step process, but can be done with a spatial join (see this doc):
var points = ee.FeatureCollection.randomPoints(geometry, 14000, 0, 10);
Map.addLayer(points, {}, 'points')
// Max search distance is 5 km.
var spatialFilter = ee.Filter.withinDistance({
distance: 5000,
leftField: '.geo',
rightField: '.geo',
maxError: 10
// Join the points to themselves.
var joined = ee.Join.saveAll({
matchesKey: 'neighbors',
measureKey: 'distance',
ordering: 'distance'
primary: points,
secondary: points,
condition: spatialFilter
// Get rid of points w/o neighbors.
// Increase distance in the spatialFilter if
// you want them all to have neighbors.
var hasNearest = {
var neighsSize = ee.List(f.get('neighbors')).size();
return f.set('neighsSize', neighsSize);
}).filter('neighsSize', 1));
Map.addLayer(hasNearest, {color: 'red'}, 'hasNearest');
// Get distance to nearest point.
var withNearestDist = {
var nearestDist = ee.Feature(ee.List(f.get('neighbors')).get(1))
return f.set('nearestDist', nearestDist);
Map.addLayer(withNearestDist, {color: 'blue'}, 'withNearestDist');
Note that you get all the neighbors, whether you want them or not.