I am working on a project based on a lidar data set (for use in LidarViewer in Linux, a basic x,y,z viewer) that was downloaded from #1 below at Opentopo.org and looking to add onto this data set with a shapefile based layer and a gpx based layer.
In ArcMap 10.0 I am converting the shapefile (road perimeter around lake) into points, then Defining the Projection in Arc Toolbox's Projections and Transformation. Since Opentopo stated UTM Zone 10, I set that to the roads shapefile, exported, completed my .shp to .las(lidar file) conversion and sent it to LidarViewer. In LidarViewer my LiDAR data (only a section of the lake's perimeter) is floating the in the middle of the lake (with perspecitve to the road points).
So, I switched the Tahoe to the original NAD27 in ArcMap, went through the process again with no change in position. Do I have to have a shapefile based on NAD83 for this to work, or is there another way?
Lidar viewer imports .las or .txt/.csv files and only reads a x,y,z no coordinate system whatsoever.
The other related question is with the .gpx data that I am downloading from the #3 below, it is a .gpx file of a bike path around the perimeter of the lake. I am using the following link to convert .gpx into a text file (to process and import into Lidar Viewer) and the site provides the ability to output long/lat plus UTM coordinates (the output included both zone 10 and 11 South ) This .gpx file also does not project correctly. I was thinking that I should possible try another converter?
gpsvisualizer .com convert_format=gpx
Any input regarding the above two questions are appreciated, I can also further clarify any issues that may not seem clear.
1) opentopography-org -> Data -> South Lake Tahoe, Nevada
Horizontal Coordinates: UTM Zone 10 N NAD83 Meters [EPSG: 26910] - Vertical Coordinates: NAVD88
2) tahoe usgs gov/DLG UTM NAD27 zone 10 projection
3) bicycling. trimbleoutdoors. com/ViewTrip.aspx?tripID=153934