In mapbasic I am creating hotlinks with the code below. However when there is no value in the column it creates a hyperlink that doesn't work and this is frustrating for users. Is it possible to only have the hyperlink on records with a value? or at least for those without a value the alias should say "No AsCon found"
Map From temptable
mapWinID = FrontWindow()
Set Map Window mapWinID Layer 1 Activate Using ""+"As_con_InfoExpert_ID" On Labels Objects Relative Path Off Enable On
Metadata Table temptable SetKey "\ActiveObject\Expr" To ("""""+As_con_InfoExpert_ID")
Metadata Table temptable SetKey "\ActiveObject\Mode" To "HOTLINK_MODE_BOTH"
Metadata Table temptable SetKey "\ActiveObject\Relative" To "OFF"
Metadata Table temptable SetKey "\ActiveObject\Enabled" To "TRUE"
Metadata Table temptable SetKey "\ActiveObject\Alias" To ("Open in Infoexpert")