I have a line shapefile that has overlapping on certain portion of the line features. I need to know the count of where these overlapping occurs and if there is no overlap to keep it as Null or 0 as it still a count of 1 line that passes through the route. I have a point shapefile of where these lines start and end.
Eg. A line runs from 1>2 another lines run from 1>3 and one from 1>5. A line runs from 2>3 and another line from 3>4.
In the portion of the red box I know there should be overlapping as the lines that feed 1>2, 1>3 and 1>5 have the same route (geographic location as well). Portions 2>3 and 3>4 of the line has no overlap.
I am trying to figure out a workflow and I am using QGIS 2.18. Any ideas?