Is there a proj4 "cookbook"? I discovered proj4 from @MerseyViking excellent answer to: Create Mercator map with arbitrary center/orientation? but most of the documentation appears to be fairly high level.
EDIT: Details on what I'm trying to do:
Rotate the globe so that any point I choose is at 0,0 (where the prime meridian crosses the equator) or the North Pole or the South Pole, my choice.
Apply any projection with any "zoomlevel" I choose to the result.
"Zoomlevel" meaning that the projection includes only points close to the point I chose earlier.
The linked question shows me how to do this for the Mercator projection. How to generalize?
I realize I could write code to do 3D rigid rotations (for step 1 above), but can proj/cs2cs do this for me?