I think you solved it by now, but to benefit other users. I faced the same problem but solved it following this approach:
First go to multidimension tools > make NetCDF raster layer, in the interface (see pic) select the suitable inputs but pay attention that you need to put 'time' in the 'band dimension' not band values. You will get one raster layer that might not show your data and might not look right, but that's okay proceed to step two
Second, go to SDM toolbox (if you don't have it you can download it freely just google it) > Basic tools> Raster tools > multiband netcdf to separate rasters and you should get all your separate rasters. The tool might exist in other toolboxes that you might have so check.
Note that you can't put the NetCDF immediately in the second tool as you must first convert your NetCDF file to an ArcGIS friendly format using the first tool.