I am using QGIS 3.2.1 Bonn 64 bit on Windows 10. I would like to loop through a list of field names and perform calculations on each field. Only the first loop in the iteration performs any calculations. The rest are skipped.
result_path = r"D:\QGIS\hex_results.geojson"
tracks = QgsProject.instance().mapLayersByName("patrol_tracks")[0]
result = QgsProject.instance().mapLayersByName("hex_results")[0]
t = tracks.getFeatures()
r = result.getFeatures()
r_prov = result.dataProvider()
r_fields = r_prov.fieldNameMap()
months = [x for x in processing.run("qgis:listuniquevalues", {'INPUT':tracks,'FIELDS':"Month_Year",'OUTPUT':'u'})['UNIQUE_VALUES'].split(";")]
for m in months:
field_index = result.fields().lookupField(m)
print (m)
print (field_index)
a = {field_index : 0}
for feat in r:
fid = feat.id()
r_prov.changeAttributeValues({fid : a})
The print calls work for every list item but the field attributes are only altered for the first iteration.
Another method I have tried (using the same variable names as above) is:
for m in months:
processing.run('qgis:fieldcalculator', {'INPUT':result, 'FIELD_NAME':m, 'FIELD_TYPE':1, 'FIELD_LENGTH':10, 'FIELD_PRECISION':0, 'NEW_FIELD': False, 'FORMULA':'0', 'OUTPUT':result_path})
But with the same result - only the first field in the list is calculated. This code will be part of a more complex script that calculates field values based on the intersection of selected features - which is more or less working up until this point.
Any suggestions? I wondered if the dataProvider needs to be refreshed or updated after each iteration but commitChanges(), added later, doesn't seem to have any effect.