Is there a way to autosize all fields in an attribute table?

I am working with attribute tables that have over 50 columns and all of them have long names. Instead of autosizing single columns via double-click or right-click...

enter image description here

... I'd rather resize them all at once.

I'd be interested in doing this manually, but a script will do as well.

1 Answer 1


Not sure how to achieve this manually, probably a good idea to submit a feature request.

Based on the answer from this post: How to adjust QGIS attribute table view column width using Python?, you could write a script to resize the column width of all loaded attribute tables to fit its contents:

attrTables = [d for d in QApplication.instance().allWidgets() if d.objectName() == u'AttributeTable']

for x in attrTables:

As mentioned by @BritishSteel in the comment, the above code is for attribute tables opened as a dock window. If the attribute table is either a dock window or a dialog window, the following could be used:

attrTables = [d for d in QApplication.instance().allWidgets() if d.objectName() == u'AttributeTable' or d.objectName().startswith('QgsAttributeTableDialog')]

for x in attrTables:
  • Hmm, in QGIS 3 the attrTables list is empty. Commented Oct 26, 2018 at 13:41
  • 1
    OK, the widget is not called AttributeTable but QgsAttributeTableDialog/nameofatable... so the above list comprehension can be adjusted as follows: attrTables = [d for d in QApplication.instance().allWidgets() if d.objectName().startswith('QgsAttributeTableDialog')] Commented Oct 26, 2018 at 14:26
  • 1
    @BritishSteel - Thanks, I forget I always have the dock window option checked as default. Edited post :)
    – Joseph
    Commented Oct 30, 2018 at 10:42

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