I have a proxy that requests for services get routed through. This is working great for my map services, however I have geoprocessing services as well that must be accessed using the proxy. These geoprocessing services require a file upload and some other parameters get passed along with the file. Since the parameters get appended to the end of the URL with every POST request, the URL is never the same. I don't know how to set the serverUrl setting in proxy.config to allow for this.
The documentation lists a property called "matchAll" where if it is true, it should forward anything with the path in the serverUrl, if my understanding is correct:
matchAll="true": When true all requests that begin with the specified URL are forwarded. Otherwise, the URL requested must match exactly.
I have tried setting it to both true and false in my config file and neither seem to work. Additionally, the documentation for the "url" setting in the proxy config file seems to contradict the "matchAll" setting (which is why I tried it both ways)...
url: Location of the ArcGIS Server service (or other URL) to proxy. Specify either the specific URL or the root (in which case you should set matchAll="false").
This is my current proxy.config file:
<ProxyConfig allowedReferers="https://www.mydomain.com/*"
<serverUrl url="https://www.mydomain.com/myServer/rest/services/HabitatManagement/HabitatManagement/GPServer/"
<serverUrl url="https://www.mydomain.com/myServer/rest/services/HabitatMonitoring/HabitatData/MapServer"
matchAll="true" />
<serverUrl url="https://www.mydomain.com/myServer/rest/services/HabitatMonitoring/HabitatClassification/GPServer/uploads/upload"
matchAll="true" />
I could make it very general and just have a `url="https://www.mydomain.com" but I really don't want to do that because only specific services need authentication on our server.
Ultimately, I end up with 403 errors in the console like this one:
{"error": {"code": 403,"message":"Proxy has not been set up for this URL. Make sure there is a serverUrl in the configuration file that matches: https://www.mydomain.com/myServer/rest/services/HabitatManagement/HabitatManagement/GPServer/HabitatManagement/submitJob?f=json&Input_Zip_File=%7B%22itemID%22%3A%22ib98735f1-f9d7-4858-a723-1e2dbec6acd7%22%7D&State_Abbreviation=PA&Email_Address=xxx%40xxx.xxx
Example of the GP services:
classifyGP = new Geoprocessor("https://www.mydomain.com/myServer/rest/services/HabitatMonitoring/HabitatClassification/GPServer/HabitatClassification");
function classifyUpload() {
//whole bunch of validation text here...
else if (email == "") {
$("#classify-emailValidation").text("Please enter an email address.");
else {
//upload the zip file and get back the itemID (via uploadSucceeded)
var upload = esri.request({
url: "https://www.mydomain.com/myServer/rest/services/HabitatMonitoring/HabitatClassification/GPServer/uploads/upload",
form: dojo.byId("classifyUploadForm"),
content: { f: 'json' },
handleAs: 'json',
}).then(classifyUploadSucceeded, classifyUploadFailed);
function classifyUploadSucceeded(response) {
var itemID = response["item"].itemID;
var dataFile = new esri.tasks.DataFile();
//This is the zip file (itemID)
dataFile.itemID = itemID;
var stateAbbrv = dom.byId("stateAbbrev").value;
var emailAddr = dom.byId("emailAddress").value;
console.log("File upload successful");
var params = { "Input_Zip_File": dataFile, "State_Abbreviation": stateAbbrv, "Email_Address": emailAddr };
console.log('Input parameters: ' + dojo.toJson(params));
//Show spinner
classifyGP.submitJob(params, classify_gpJobComplete, classify_gpJobStatus, function (error) {
console.error(error.jobStatus + '(' + error.jobId + '):' + dojo.toJson(error));
function classify_gpJobComplete(result) {
console.log(result.jobStatus + '(' + result.jobId + ')');
//Get error messages to return to the user if there are any
var errorMessages = [];
var jsonResults = dojo.toJson(result);
var jsonParsed = JSON.parse(jsonResults);
for (var i = 0; i < jsonParsed.messages.length; i++) {
var message = jsonParsed.messages[i];
if (message.type == "esriJobMessageTypeError") {
//Do not add generic "Failed to execute" ESRI messages to the error message array
if (!message.description.match(/^Failed/)) {
This is the proxy rule I have set at the beginning of my JS code:
urlPrefix: "https://www.mydomain.com",
proxyUrl: "/appName/proxy/proxy.ashx"