In QGIS 3.10 it's possible to dynamically create a Revision Cloud Style with the help of the indispensable "geometry generator" and a custom Python expression function. Hat tip to @christoph and his answer here about wavy lines that I am used as the basis for this answer.
In the style properties of the polygon layer you want to have as your revision cloud layer change the Symbol Layer Type to Geometry Generator. And click on the E symbol to open up the expression dialog for the geometry generator.
Using the function editor tab create a new function using the green plus button called ZigZag and paste this script into it instead of the default text.
from qgis.core import qgsfunction,QgsExpressionContextUtils,QgsExpression,QgsProject,QgsPoint,QgsGeometry
@qgsfunction(args='auto', group='Custom', usesGeometry=False, referencedColumns=[])
def make_zigzagline(geom,dist,offset,feature,parent):
span { color: red }
<h2>converts a linestring to a zig-zag line</h2>
<tr><td><span>geometry</span></td><td>linestring geometry</td></tr>
<tr><td><span>distance(s)</span></td><td>linear point distances (single number or a string of comma separated numbers)</td></tr>
<tr><td><span>offset</span></td><td>perpendicular offset</td></tr>
<li>make_zigzagline($geometry,'15,30',15) -> zig-zag line</li>
<li>make_zigzagline($geometry,15,15) -> zig-zag line</li>
Use smooth function to create wavelines:<br/><br/>
if not type(dist) is str:
dist = str(dist)
dist = [float(n) for n in dist.split(',')]
l = geom.length()
dist_sum = 0
distances = []
while dist_sum + round(sum(dist),2) < l:
for d in dist:
dist_sum += d
# interpolate points on linestring
points2d = [(lambda g: (g.x(), g.y()))(geom.interpolate(d).asPoint()) for d in distances]
vertices = geom.asPolyline()
start = (vertices[0].x(),vertices[0].y())
end = (vertices[-1].x(),vertices[-1].y())
points2d.insert(0,start) # prepend start point
points = [QgsPoint(start[0],start[1])]
i = 0
n = 0
b = -90
for point in points2d[1:]:
pt1 = QgsPoint(points2d[i][0],points2d[i][1])
pt2 = QgsPoint(point[0],point[1])
a = pt1.azimuth(pt2) + b
pt = pt2.project(offset, a)
i += 1
n += 1
if n == len(dist):
n = 0
b = -b
points.append(QgsPoint(end[0],end[1])) # append end point
return QgsGeometry.fromPolyline(points)
Switching back to the expression tab insert this expression:
You may have to play with the values to get to work at your scale. For the most part they are in the units of the layer. Meters in my case.
Here is what the final product looks like: