I have a problem, when I'm making my traces in an application like Google Earth, I can't make smooth curves, only straight line.

So I thought maybe I should export the trace to Illustrator then modify the curves in it and then export them.

Is this the right way to do it ? How to do this ?

2 Answers 2


You can add more vertices to the line to make it smooth in GoogleEarth without the need to export your data to Illustrator using the following steps:

  • Right-click the line in the GoogleEarth

enter image description here - Select the starting vertex that you want to smooth its line segment. It will become blue color

enter image description here

  • Use the digitizer tool to add additional vertices on the line path

enter image description here


I didn't have Adobe Illustrator, but it was relatively straightforward to smooth a kml trajectory with a spline fit in python using the pykml module to parse the .kml file and re-write with the modified coordinates. Result shown here: enter image description here

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