I have a footprint of some buildings (see the picture).
The selected buildings have an area below 30 sqm. As you can in the picture see some buildings share almost borders with a building bigger than 30 sqm. When others don't. The building below 30 sqm but shares a border with a bigger building I want to include in my calculation. The others below 30 sqm should be sorted away.
I have succeeded with this through desktop GIS, and the solution looks like this:
But I want to do the same process in postgres.
I can select the buildings pending on their area and I have put them in to two new tables:
Create TABLE building_below as
Select * from building where area<30
Create TABLE building_above as
Select * from building where area>30
I can not figure out how to select layer by location in PostgreSQL.
I have tried with inspiration from: Join polygons by location PostgreSQL/PostGIS Merging adjacent polygons in shapefile that has been split at tile boundaries?
But it didn't work.
I have tried this:
SELECT DISTINCT ON (s.gid) s.gid,*
FROM building_below s
LEFT JOIN building_above h ON ST_DWithin(s.geom, h.geom, 0.01)
ORDER BY s.gid, ST_Distance(s.geom, h.geom);
But it just select all the rows/buildings in building_below.
I know from desktop GIS, that it should not do that.