I used geometry objects and da.searchCursor to check if randomly created points fall within polygon. Now I get True and False of each points that falls within or outside of the polygon. I made a list of them. Now I am facing problem in filtering only the true ones and updating the point features class. I finally need a point point featureclass in geodatabse(I have already created personal geodatabse "mygdb"); that contains all the points that fall within the polygon. Here is the code where, I create a "point" feature class in gdb. I need to update this featureclass with all the true coordinate pair (or points). I have very little knowledge to work with geometry objects.
fc = "C:/Users/pp/Desktop/proj/poly.shp"
fc1 = arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(mygdb, "point", "POINT")
polyGeom = arcpy.CopyFeatures_management("poly",arcpy.Geometry())
plist = []
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc1, "SHAPE@") as cursor:
for row in cursor:
#print row[0].within(polyGeom[0])
pp = row[0].within(polyGeom[0])
print (plist)enter code here