I want to calculate a cost distance model between a source of raw material and a group of sites. Raster and vector data are in the same CRS (EPSG 32615). I was able to use r.walk and get my cost and direction rasters. Whenever I want to use r.drain, I get:
Converting outputs Loading resulting layers The following layers were not correctly generated. Least cost path You can check the log messages to find more information about the execution of the algorithm
This is the log:
GRASS GIS 7 execution commands g.proj -c proj4="+proj=utm +zone=15 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs" r.external input="C:/Users/gejst/Desktop/COst/rwalk/rwalk.tif" band=1 output=tmp1544491016043 --overwrite -o r.external input="C:/Users/gejst/Desktop/COst/rwalk/dir.tif" band=1 output=tmp1544491016044 --overwrite -o g.region n=2103521.41379 s=1879836.37719 e=394754.028731 w=180548.446796 res=30.0935068748 r.drain input="tmp1544491016043" direction="tmp1544491016044" start_coordinates=312000,1961000 output="outputef66d40f601f408cba4515b177ffa77b" drain="drainef66d40f601f408cba4515b177ffa77b" --overwrite g.region raster=outputef66d40f601f408cba4515b177ffa77b r.out.gdal --overwrite -c createopt="TFW=YES,COMPRESS=LZW" input=outputef66d40f601f408cba4515b177ffa77b output="C:\Users\gejst\AppData\Local\Temp\processing111bde5bc84d4563a5b91f7eeea042c8\de27ee9605134eaf96c3b82d9c8de29f\output.tif" v.out.ogr -s -e input=drainef66d40f601f408cba4515b177ffa77b type=auto output="C:\Users\gejst\AppData\Local\Temp\processing111bde5bc84d4563a5b91f7eeea042c8\2d50226dc6254d79b65c557fce716a27" format=ESRI_Shapefile output_layer=drain --overwrite
I am aware of these questions:
No output generated with "r.drain" GRASS module
How to get r.drain to run in QGIS/GRASS?
and I think I have not make mistakes in the coordinates of the points (brackets, 0s)
In short I do not know what I am missing.I tried to run r.drain in Qgis 2.18.26 (stand allone install), 3.4 (osgeo4w install) running in win10 64.
Any hint is welcome