I'm trying to draw a circle in QGIS 3 with the shape digitizing toolbar. I've tried several of the "add circle" options and they all look normal while drawing, but once I click to finish the shape it is no longer a circle. Please see the attached photo. Any ideas on how to fix this so I can create circles?
3 Answers
You are drawing a circle in the coordinate system of the layer. Qgis reproject that circle to the coordinate system of the project, and that figure probably no longer looks like a circle.
You need to set the coordinate system of the layer to EPSG:3721 before drawing the circle, if you want to see it like a circle in the project CRS (EPSG:3721).
I've tried to reproduce your situation. 1. Created shape file in epsg:3721 2. Checked the same epsg for the project 3. Draw a circle at the same place
Yeah that is what its supposed to do and what its always done before.... Commented Dec 15, 2018 at 20:22
Update your layer coordinate reference system to match your project's.
You can do that by:
- Toggle editing on the layer
- Right click on the layer name and select Properties
- Select Source
- Under Geometry and Coordinate Reference System click on the select button and find the one that matchs your project (It's listed with the Project CRS prefix)