I'm trying to extract lat longs from my centroids, then feed the lat longs to the Google distance matrix API using another python script. I exported the graphical model as a python script:
##Drive Time=name
##CentroidsWGS84=output vector
##GridWGS84=output vector
outputs_QGISVECTORGRID_1=processing.runalg('qgis:vectorgrid', Extent,GridSpacingInMeters,GridSpacingInMeters,0,None)
outputs_QGISREPROJECTLAYER_1=processing.runalg('qgis:reprojectlayer', outputs_QGISVECTORGRID_1['OUTPUT'],'EPSG:4326',GridWGS84)
outputs_QGISPOLYGONCENTROIDS_1=processing.runalg('qgis:polygoncentroids', outputs_QGISREPROJECTLAYER_1['OUTPUT'],None)
outputs_QGISEXPORTADDGEOMETRYCOLUMNS_1=processing.runalg('qgis:exportaddgeometrycolumns', outputs_QGISPOLYGONCENTROIDS_1['OUTPUT_LAYER'],0,CentroidsWGS84)
Then I added more lines to the above to create a list of the coordinates, but I'm getting a IndexError: list index out of range
name = 'CentroidsWGS84'
layer = QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayersByName(name)[0]
features = layer.getFeatures()
attributes = []
coords = []
for feature in features:
for attribute in attributes:
I suspect this is because the layers that I'm creating on the graphical modeler is not created yet. How do I solve this?