I have a raster that I'd like to plot in the Azimuthal Equidistant projection with a grid and labels. So far I've been able to do that. However, I cannot get the labels inside the plotting area. They are always cut off.
I have tried most of the par() options such as playing with par(mar), par(oma), and par(usr). Hard to tell, but I think the par("usr") option does not work with raster::plot. I also tried playing around with the extent of the raster, since R bases the plot size on the coordinate range of the initial data, but that also did not work. Below is my code and cut off labels.
parallels <- c(80, 70, 60)
meridians <- seq(-180, 160, by = 30)
mlim <- c(-180, 180)
plim <- c(50, 80)
grat <- graticule(lons = meridians, lats = parallels, xlim = mlim, ylim = plim, proj = projection(GSmean))
labs <- graticule_labels(meridians, parallels, xline = 360, yline =46, proj = projection(GSmean))
#new plot
cols <- c("darkgreen", "darkred","gray81","gray81")
plot(GSmean, col=cols,breaks=breaks,axes=F,legend=FALSE,box=FALSE)
plot(grat, add = TRUE, lty = 3,col="honeydew3")
text(labs, lab = parse(text= labs$lab),
col= c("gray30", "gray30")[labs$islon + 1], cex = 0.85)