I want to do spatial join to an OSM line data and GPS point data both in geographic coordinate system, the result which I want is a road layer(has a unique ID) with the attributes of of road and the point file. I don't want to use buffer: sp::over
(I get NA values). I tried using gDistance()
it only gives me the distance but does not join the attribute tables. I want to replicate NNJoin of QGIS in R since I can't use batch processing for NNJoin.
I don't think I am satisfied by the answer here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47675571/r-spatial-join-between-spatialpoints-gps-coordinates-and-spatiallinesdatafra.
longitude <- c(10.86361, 10.96062, 10.93032, 10.93103, 10.93212)
latitude <- c(44.53355, 44.63234, 44.63470, 44.63634, 44.64559)
longlat <- data.frame(longitude, latitude)
my_spdf<- SpatialPoints(longlat, proj4string=crs("+init=epsg:4326"))
shapefile_roads<- spLines(cbind(longitude+.1, latitude), cbind(longitude-.1, rev(latitude)), cbind(longitude-.1, latitude+1), crs=crs("+init=epsg:4326"))
shapefile_roads <- spTransform(shapefile_roads, CRS("+proj=utm +zone=43 ellps=WGS84"))
my_spdf <- spTransform(my_spdf, CRS("+proj=utm +zone=43 ellps=WGS84"))
result <- over(shapefile_roads, my_spdf)
package. It has a function calledst_join
which does exactly hat you want when you specifyst_nearest_feature
as the join.