I am working with a shapefile in ArcGIS Pro that has 3.2 million observations and about 20 columns. The .shp file is 87MB and the .dbf is just over 2GB. I am attempting to accomplish an export.
When I export the data via the standard ArcGIS Pro instructions (http://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/help/data/tables/export-tables.htm), the table successfully exports as a .csv but at around row 1.6 million all the observations begin to repeat the same observation. No observations are dropped or added, and the original shapefile remains intact.
Has anyone else experienced this?
Edit: after replicating the issue in QGIS, it seems that it has trouble getting past the 1.6millionth observation, and then copies that same observation down. In QGIS, it simply halts at that 1.6millionth observation (i.e. feature count directly differs between shapefile and the resulting table).