I'm trying to follow a series of tutorials:
Some other useful posts here:
Unable to serve Cesium Terrain files
Basically, I want to use my own terrain files within Cesium.
I'm stack in configuring the terrain server aspect,
I have a Node.js server running Cesium Apps in port 8080: http://localhost:8080/Apps/own_terrain.html
Path for the html file is:
The terrain files have been generated by using: cesium-terrain-builder-docker
Then, I want to run my terrain tiles using cesium-terrain-server in docker.
This is how I built it:
docker run -p 9000:8080 -v C:/Users/username/Downloads/software/Cesium-1.53/Apps/terrain:/data/tilesets/terrain \
So, Cesium running in 8080 and terrain server in 9000,
However when I try to access the terrain tiles, i.e:
Nothing happens, Chrome says:
localhost didn’t send any data. ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE
And the same when integrating that into the own_terrain.html:
Cesium.js:445 GET http://localhost:9000/tilesets/tiles/layer.json net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE
Definitely the terrain server is not running. What am I missing in these tutorials?