I am trying to use a few algorithms that may be useful for my work, that are part of the processing tools packaged with the latest LTR 64-bit version of QGIS in Windows 10 64 bit.. However, all of the SAGA algorithms that I have tried so far throw the same final error, regarding layers that were not correctly generated. The following image is the end of the log message I get. In red is the error I mention. It happens with all tools I have tried so far.

Log capture

I checked other posts and read similar issues. Some suggestions to fix it included using different paths, and avoiding blank spaces in them. I tried changing the path to a D:\Temp directory but no success.

Things I noticed:

  • In the log, some paths appear with forward slash (/), as in Unix systems.
  • Some long paths appear shortened, using the tilde (~). In particular, C:\OSGeo4W64 gets shortened to C:\OSGeo4~1

Any hints?


This is the output log provided in comments:

Procesando algoritmo...

Algoritmo 'Profiles from lines' comenzando…

Parámetros de entrada:

{ 'DEM' : 'F:/Dropbox/QGIS_Test/DEM.tif', 'LINES' : 'F:\\Dropbox\\QGIS_Test\\Lines.shp', 'NAME' : 'id', 'PROFILE' : 'C:/Users/Kais/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_5080f69b88474281943ae5c46597245d/8d34e08d5a984c11a8ffce8b99fadd36/PROFILE.shp', 'PROFILES' : 'C:/Users/Kais/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_5080f69b88474281943ae5c46597245d/acbe581a52b9406fb5db4af3292f919a/PROFILES.shp', 'SPLIT ' : True, 'VALUES' : '' }

io_gdal 0 -TRANSFORM 1 -RESAMPLING 3 -GRIDS "C:/Users/Kais/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_5080f69b88474281943ae5c46597245d/635ead2d3ee34f7bbeda0d5905c407b0/DEM.sgrd" -FILES "F:\Dropbox\QGIS_Test\DEM.tif"

ta_profiles "Profiles from Lines" -DEM "C:/Users/Kais/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_5080f69b88474281943ae5c46597245d/635ead2d3ee34f7bbeda0d5905c407b0/DEM.sgrd" -LINES "F:\Dropbox\QGIS_Test\Lines.shp" -NAME "id" -SPLIT true -PROFILE "C:/Users/Kais/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_5080f69b88474281943ae5c46597245d/8d34e08d5a984c11a8ffce8b99fadd36/PROFILE.shp" -PROFILES "C:/Users/Kais/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_5080f69b88474281943ae5c46597245d/acbe581a52b9406fb5db4af3292f919a/PROFILES.shp"

F:\Dropbox\QGIS_Test>set SAGA=C:/PROGRA~2/QGIS3~1.4/apps\saga-ltr

F:\Dropbox\QGIS_Test>set SAGA_MLB=C:/PROGRA~2/QGIS3~1.4/apps\saga-ltr\modules


F:\Dropbox\QGIS_Test>saga_cmd io_gdal 0 -TRANSFORM 1 -RESAMPLING 3 -GRIDS "C:/Users/Kais/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_5080f69b88474281943ae5c46597245d/635ead2d3ee34f7bbeda0d5905c407b0/DEM.sgrd" -FILES "F:\Dropbox\QGIS_Test\DEM.tif"


##### ## ##### ##

### ### ## ###

### # ## ## #### # ##

### ##### ## # #####

##### # ## ##### # ##


SAGA Version: 2.3.2 (32 bit)


library path: C:\PROGRA~2\QGIS3~1.4\apps\saga-ltr\modules\

library name: io_gdal

library : GDAL/OGR

tool : Import Raster

author : O.Conrad (c) 2007 (A.Ringeler)

processors : 8 [8]



Grids: No objects

Files: "F:\Dropbox\QGIS_Test\DEM.tif"

Select from Multiple Bands:

Alphanumeric Sorting: yes

Transformation: yes

Resampling: B-Spline Interpolation

loading: F:\Dropbox\QGIS_Test\DEM.tif

Driver: GTiff

Bands: 1

Rows: 5557

Columns: 7445

loading: DEM

F:\Dropbox\QGIS_Test>saga_cmd ta_profiles "Profiles from Lines" -DEM "C:/Users/Kais/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_5080f69b88474281943ae5c46597245d/635ead2d3ee34f7bbeda0d5905c407b0/DEM.sgrd" -LINES "F:\Dropbox\QGIS_Test\Lines.shp" -NAME "id" -SPLIT true -PROFILE "C:/Users/Kais/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_5080f69b88474281943ae5c46597245d/8d34e08d5a984c11a8ffce8b99fadd36/PROFILE.shp" -PROFILES "C:/Users/Kais/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_5080f69b88474281943ae5c46597245d/acbe581a52b9406fb5db4af3292f919a/PROFILES.shp"

Error: dbf write: invalid table


##### ## ##### ##

### ### ## ###

### # ## ## #### # ##

### ##### ## # #####

##### # ## ##### # ##


SAGA Version: 2.3.2 (32 bit)


library path: C:\PROGRA~2\QGIS3~1.4\apps\saga-ltr\modules\

library name: ta_profiles

library : Profiles

tool : Profiles from Lines

author : O.Conrad (c) 2006

processors : 8 [8]


Load grid: C:/Users/Kais/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_5080f69b88474281943ae5c46597245d/635ead2d3ee34f7bbeda0d5905c407b0/DEM.sgrd...

Load shapes: F:\Dropbox\QGIS_Test\Lines.shp...


Grid system: 5; 5557x 7445y; 511960x 4649730y


Values: No objects

Lines: Lines

Name: id

Profiles: Profiles

Profiles: No objects

Each Line as new Profile: yes


Save shapes: C:/Users/Kais/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_5080f69b88474281943ae5c46597245d/acbe581a52b9406fb5db4af3292f919a/PROFILES.shp_1...

Save shapes: C:/Users/Kais/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_5080f69b88474281943ae5c46597245d/acbe581a52b9406fb5db4af3292f919a/PROFILES.shp_2...


Ejecución completada en 12.90 segundos


{'PROFILE': 'C:/Users/Kais/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_5080f69b88474281943ae5c46597245d/8d34e08d5a984c11a8ffce8b99fadd36/PROFILE.shp',
'PROFILES': 'C:/Users/Kais/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_5080f69b88474281943ae5c46597245d/acbe581a52b9406fb5db4af3292f919a/PROFILES.shp'}

Cargando las capas resultantes

Las siguientes capas no se generaron correctamente.<ul><li>C:/Users/Kais/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_5080f69b88474281943ae5c46597245d/8d34e08d5a984c11a8ffce8b99fadd36/PROFILE.shp</li></ul>Puede comprobar el «Panel de mensajes del registro» en la ventana principal de QGIS para encontrar más información sobre la ejecución del algoritmo.  
  • 1
    What happens if you Save to File... instead of Save to a temporary file for the outputs? Commented Feb 8, 2019 at 13:39
  • Could you also change the folder name bati 2018 10 03 to something without spaces, and try again?
    – Kazuhito
    Commented Feb 8, 2019 at 14:12
  • Unfortunately none of those options, saving to a named file with a short path, or substituting the spaces with a "_" produced any difference. Anyone can provide a project that works in their system to check mine?
    – Kais
    Commented Feb 11, 2019 at 11:38
  • There is no problem with the forward slash nor with the tilde in paths. But your screnshot doesn't look like the latest version of qgis and saga-ltr packages provided by OSGeo4W. Please, include wich version of both packages are you running. And include the log output as fornatted text instead of the screenshot. Also, we can test the Profile from lines tool with your data if you provide a raster layer and a vector layer with at least one line to extract the profile. But if you can't run any SAGA algorithhm in QGIS, the problem would not be the data. Commented Feb 11, 2019 at 21:48
  • Thanks for your reply @GabrielDeLuca. I am running QGIS 3.4.4-Madeira. The saga tools I am using are 2.3.2 (this is the floating text tip that appears when I hover with the mouse pointer on the SAGA logo in the Process Toolbox.
    – Kais
    Commented Feb 13, 2019 at 10:57

1 Answer 1


There are some problems with the Profiles from lines algorithm in QGIS.

Let's see first how it should work.

In SAGA GIS, at the command line:

  • If you want to save Each Line as a New Profile, you need to use the -SPLIT and the -PROFILES options. Files will be saved as profile_01.shp, profile_02.shp, etc.

  • If not, don't use -SPLIT option and use -PROFILE option. File will be saved as profile.shp.

In QGIS processing toolbox:

  • Both -PROFILE and -PROFILES options are always used, so one of them always returns an error (The following layers were not correctly generated.).

  • If you tick on Each Line as a New Profile (is ticked by default), -SPLIT option is used, and the files are saved as PROFILE.shp1, PROFILE.shp2, etc. That produced two errors (one for the -PROFILE empty layer and other for the invalid extensions).

A bug report was already opened: https://issues.qgis.org/issues/21294.

Meanwhile, a possible workaround is to not use the Each Line as a New Profile option (untick it) and ignore the error generated by the -PROFILE over option.

  • Thanks @GabrielDeLuca. Very informative answer.
    – Kais
    Commented Feb 18, 2019 at 14:20

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