I am trying to use the shapefiles found on this page for oil & gas data from the Netherlands: https://www.nlog.nl/en/files-interactive-map from table at the bottom with "ARC_grid" and "Google Earth (WGS84)" columns and icons.
Specifically the "Oil and gas fields" ARC_grid files (https://www.nlog.nl/sites/default/files/nlog_velden_ed_1950_utm_31n_20170829.zip)
I am using R to download, read and plot the shapefile. I am able to do this OK, but the shapefile does not seem to have a coordinate reference system, I believe due to the absence of the .prj file.
The coordinates I get when I read the file in look like this:
[1,] 683985.7 5931987
[2,] 684138.5 5931975
I would like them in Lat/Long, but do not know how to find out what conversion to use initially.
I am looking for an R-based solution.
Using R, this is how I have loaded the file:
temp <- tempfile(fileext = ".zip")
download.file("https://www.nlog.nl/sites/default/files/nlog_velden_ed_1950_utm_31n_20170829.zip", destfile = temp)
filepaths <- unzip(temp)
map <- readOGR(".")
# CRS arguments: NA