I have a line layer on which I want to run a filter within a python script. I am trying to achieve this via QgsExpression and QgsFeatureRequest.
Below you see the same filter that I want to apply in the python script as well:
In my python script i have an id to search for. But before I can filter by id, I have to cut the From and To string from the id so that I get all id with the specified number. Then I apply a request which you see in the code snippet below. But I get no results. I am not entering the for loop which loops through the results:
# trim edgeid (cut From and To)
edgeid_trimmed = edgeid_out.replace('From','')
edgeid_trimmed = edgeid_trimmed.replace('To','')
# get azimuth of edge (graph)
filter_edgeid_exp = QgsExpression('\"id\" LIKE \" ' + edgeid_trimmed + '%\" ')
request2= QgsFeatureRequest(filter_edgeid_exp)
for j,feat2 in inputGraph.getFeatures(request2):
print "found edges with requested edgeid"
if j == 0:
edge1_id = feat2.attributes()[idx_edgeid]
edge2_id = feat2.attributes()[idx_edgeid]
However, I do not believe the expression in the QgsExpression(...) is wrong. So what else could be the problem here?