I am trying to create buttons that will initiate a flyTo. I can click the buttons on the page but they do nothing
action functions:
function Action(){
map.flyto([43.372000,-80.987697], 13);
function Action1(){
map.flyto([43.370627,-80.998735], 13);
function Action2(){
map.flyto([43.377328,-80.963505], 13);
function Action3(){
map.flyto([43.388931,-80.972062], 13);
<div class = "leaflet-bottom leaflet-left" style="pointer-events: auto">
<button onClick="Action()" block>Douglas Flood Risk Area</button>
<button onClick="Action1()" block>Avondale Flood Risk Area</button>
<button onClick="Action2()" block>Millenium Park Flood Risk Area</button>
<button onClick="Action3()" block>Mornington Flood Risk Area</button>
I have added 4 buttons into my leaflet map and none of them can actually be clicked.
Is there a way to make them clickable?
instead ofmap