Using the network analyst extension, I'm trying to create not overlapping service area polygons around a point layer in ArcMap 10.6.1. Here are the selected settings for polygon generation:
The rest of the settings are default, with the impedenace being TravelTime(minutes) and the default breaks being 60, direction away from facility, and restrictions only for 'Driving an Automobile'. Nonetheless, the results look like this:
I've also attempted to run the analysis with the Trim Polygon settings, but the polygons still appear to overlap. Can anyone point out a possible reason or a workaround?
EDIT: The polygons seen above do not overlap (it only "seems" they do, but the boundaries indicate distinct features indeed). However, the problem is rather in the incorrect allocation of polygons to points (as also noted in the picture). The result should be reminiscent to a Thiessen polygon analysis - and it isn't.