Is it possible to change the position of the anchor point for the popup without using markers?
I was testing with this example. This code shows a popup, but I want to adjust the position of the anchor because it gets in front of a marker.
var popup = L.popup()
.setLatLng([testLat, testLng])
.setContent("<div.... </div>")
I already has markers and popups on the map and the position for those I get from a JSON-string. These popups opens when I click on a marker, but now I just want a simple popup to be visible when the map has loaded. I have tried to open one of the popup that I'm already have, but that does not seems to work. If that had worked, I didn't need to use a extra popup and change the anchor point for that popup because that is already done. This is a part of my code where I create the markers and bind them with popups.
Is there a way to open one of those popup instead?
// Add markers
for (i = 0; i < mapPos.length; i++) {
marker = new L.marker([mapPos[i]["lat"],mapPos[i]["lng"]], {icon: numbers[1]}).addTo(map).bindPopup("<div>.... </div>");