I have written a short program in Python to extract a time series for any given pixel for MODIS data stored in the Google Earth Engine. The code is working fine and returns a data frame containing the relevant band value and date.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime as dt
import ee
def extract_time_series(lat, lon, start, end, product_name, band_name, sf):
# Set up point geometry
point = ee.Geometry.Point(lon, lat)
# Obtain image collection for all images within query dates
coll = ee.ImageCollection(product_name)\
.filterDate(start, end)
# Get list of images which correspond with the above
images = [item.get('id') for item in coll.getInfo().get('features')]
store = []
date_store = []
# Loop over all images and extract pixel value
for image in images:
im = ee.Image(image)
# Obtain date from timestamp in metadata
date = dt.fromtimestamp(im.get("system:time_start").getInfo() / 1000.)
# Extract pixel value
data = im.select(band_name)\
.reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.first(), point, 1)\
# Scale the returned data based on scale factor
store = [x * sf if isinstance(x, int) else np.nan for x in store]
# Convert output into pandas data frame
df = pd.DataFrame(index=date_store, data=store, columns=[band_name])
return df
if __name__ == "__main__":
latitude = 9.95
longitude = -10.09
start_date = '2018-01-01'
end_date = '2018-01-31'
product = 'MODIS/006/MOD11A1'
band = 'LST_Day_1km'
scale_factor = 0.02
# Extract data and obtain pd.DataFrame
output = extract_time_series(latitude,
However, I am aware of the way GEE handles reducing regions and how it can sometimes be difficult to know precisely what is happening. I decided to compare my extract MODIS values with the same time series requested from AppEEARS.
I noticed that the values are different and thus my code must be performing some spatial average, probably during the:
data = im.select(band_name)\
.reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.first(), point, 1)\
line. I set scale == 1 here so that the returned value I receive should be equal to the value at the native resolution (info on this).
How can I extract the MODIS band value for ONLY my point of interest?