To start, I found a similar question posted on stack exchange here, but I am not using the zonal statistics tool, which the answer to that question is based on.
With that out of the way, I'm attempting to write a very simple arcpy script. The purpose of the script is to reclassify the values of an input raster, and save the output to a folder.
Currently I'm using this script in a toolbox. I am using arcpy "GetParameterAsText" to determine the input file and output folder. I have tried using raw file paths instead of using GetParameter, but the script still fails. The file paths I use never include spaces, so I think that can be ruled out.
Here is the code:
#Import libraries
import arcpy, sys, os
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
from arcpy import env
from import *
#Have tried GetParameter as well as raw file paths/names
input = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
saveFolder = arcpy.GetParameterAsText (1)
#Have confirmed following line works using the python window within arcmap
planAreas = Reclassify(input, "VALUE", RemapRange([[100, 169, 0], [170, 179, 1]])) #Crashes here
If I run just the "Reclassify" function in the ArcMap python window, it successfully saves an output as a feature class in Default.gdb. Running the very same code, but in an python script using the save function, crashes with the dreaded error 999998.
I am using Arc version 10.6.1
as variables: