I'm trying to import German NAS-Data into a SQLite- Spatialite-database. For this I use the following command:
ogr2ogr -f SQLITE --config OGR_SQLITE_CACHE 8192 -gt 65536 -skipfailures -s_srs "+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=12 +k=1 +x_0=500000 +y_0=0 +ellps=bessel +towgs84=598.1,73.7,418.2,0.202,0.045,-2.455,6.7 +units=m +no_defs" -t_srs EPSG:31468 data.sqlite data.xml
This takes quite some time, but finally a SQLite database will be produced. But if I try to open it with QGis I'm told that QGis faild to check metadata. I'm not sure what is missing in the above command.
For dataprotection reasons I cannot provide real data - Testdata can be downloaded from this (official) link: https://ldbv.bayern.de/file/zip/2407/Testdaten_Lurchingen_ALKIS.zip
Can anybody help?
say about your SQLite database? You might want to try the-al
options (all layers, summary only). Without your data it might be hard to figure this out...