My problem is when I click on a polygon element on the map I would like to color another color and zoom by centering that object automatically.
map.on ('click', function (e) {
console.log (s);
// coordinate = evt.coordinate;
var feature = map.forEachFeatureAtPixel (e.pixel, function (feature) {return feature;});
var coordinate = e.coordinate;
var hdms = ol.coordinate.toStringHDMS (ol.proj.transform (coordinate, 'EPSG: 31700', 'EPSG: 3857'));
var selected_polygon_style = {
strokeWidth: 5,
strokeColor: '# ff0000'
// add more styling key / value pairs as your need
feature.setStyle (selected_polygon_style);
layer.addFeatures (feature);
That's how I did it but it looks like it does not work.
This is the error code:
Uncaught e {code: 41, name: "AssertionError", message: "Assertion failed." See for details. "}