I work on QGIS 3.4.4 Madeira. I have two related layers in my project :"towns" (polygon) and "interest points" (points), the common field is "town name".
In the Atlas, my cover layer is "towns".
I would like to put labels wich display values from different fields of the child layer ("interest points") corresponding to the current entity of the Atlas. It seems easy but I can't find the correct expression.
My cover layer in the Atlas is "towns" and in each town, I have several "interest points". The layer "interest points" have many fields and I would like to insert data from a given field of the child layer using an expression in the labelling (text) tool and not the table tool. So I need an expression to insert the value inside a sentence for example.
I tried relation-aggregate function, it returns values from child layer but it necessarily "calculates" (min, max, sum…). And I only want to display the child related value.