I'm trying to index a clipped version of ESA's 2015 land cover map into an Open Data Cube instance. I've written a product specification yaml and a yaml for te actual product itself and it indexes into the data cube fine. However, when I try to load the data later on using dc.load, it gives the following error:
~/miniconda3/envs/cubeenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/datacube/api/core.py in <listcomp>(.0)
644 def get_bounds(datasets, crs):
--> 645 left = min([d.extent.to_crs(crs).boundingbox.left for d in datasets])
646 right = max([d.extent.to_crs(crs).boundingbox.right for d in datasets])
647 top = max([d.extent.to_crs(crs).boundingbox.top for d in datasets])
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'to_crs'
This makes me thinks that it is an error with the yaml coordinate specifications as it isn't picking up any of the actual data at all when trying to define the bbox coordinates of the data. I can only think that this is because I'm trying to index data in EPSG:4326 coordinate system, as the yaml is basically identical to previous yamls which have worked, only those yamls involved indexing data in UTM coordinate systems.
Both the product specification and individual product yamls are attached.
Product specification link: https://slack-files.com/T0L4V0TFT-FGXRVUWUV-b4eea86062
Product yaml link: https://slack-files.com/T0L4V0TFT-FGYJ8N223-ebe40ec2b0