I have downloaded the latest OSGeo4w (GDAL 2.4) and GDAL 2.4 (from GIS Internals site) but I cant get the below command to correctly reproject the shapes in either application.
I used the command below
ogr2ogr.exe -f MSSQLSpatial "MSSQL:server=blah;database=blah;trusted_connection=yes;" "MSSQL:server=blah;database=blah;trusted_connection=yes;" -overwrite -sql "select databaseName,objectid,shape from gm.dbo.stg_polygon" -s_srs "EPSG:26910" -t_srs "EPSG:102008" -lco "UPLOAD_GEOM_FORMAT=wkt" -lco "GEOM_TYPE=geometry" -lco "GEOMETRY_NAME=shape" -nlt POLYGON -nln "stg_ztest"
It always returns a spatial SRID = 32768. We are loading into SQL Server 2017.This works correctly using OSGeo4W shell (from QGIS 2.18) in GDAL 2.2.1