Working with a new laptop HP zbook and Windows 10. QGIS Madeira doesn't connect to any WMS service.
Error: 2019-03-14T09:57:34 CRITICAL Ongeldige Laag : Raster layer Provider is ongeldig (provider: wms, URI: tileMatrixSet=EPSG:28992&crs=EPSG:28992&layers=2016_ortho25&styles=default&format=image/jpeg&url=
2019-03-19T10:26:05 WARNING Downloaden van capabilities mislukt: Error creating SSL context (unsupported protocol)
Up to now I worked with Windows 7 without any problem.
Does anyone recognise this problem?
as the WMTS URL works for me on Windows with 64 bit QGIS 3.4.3-Madeira