I have a raster layer of which I would need to find the area (m2) per cell. Any suggestions for a simple approach to achieve this?
1Project your raster layer into an appropriate coordinate reference system (CRS) that uses meters. E.g. find the correct UTM zone and use that CRS.– JonCommented Apr 1, 2019 at 17:17
1@Jon that's going to change the grid basis. Probably not a good idea. If the raster is already in a cartesian system then multiply the height by the width. If the grid is lat-long then there's some calculations to be done...– SpacedmanCommented Apr 1, 2019 at 17:34
1I was assuming the data were in lat/long. Otherwise I thought it was obvious to just look at the pixel resolution, but maybe not.– JonCommented Apr 1, 2019 at 17:53
1Okay, thanks. My pixel size is 0.000833333, -0.000833333. As I understand, this is not in the unit of m2? I have a raster containing values of energy demand per hectare per cell. I would like to convert this to energy demand per cell and thus need to identify the area of the cell.– A.NCommented Apr 1, 2019 at 18:41
1Then the unit is degrees and area of a pixel in hectares depends on where on the Earth the pixel is located. The answer by @Jon is relevant. If your raster is rather small you can calculate the length of one degree latitude and longitude around your location with some online tool like csgnetwork.com/degreelenllavcalc.html and use the result as an estimate.– user30184Commented Apr 1, 2019 at 19:44
2 Answers
Your question is not well constrained. If you are wondering how to find the area of a cell from a raster that is unprojected and aligned to WGS84 grid (e.g. epsg:4326), then the following Python code should help.
import numpy as np
import rasterio
fp = 'your_tiff_file.tif'
with rasterio.open(fp) as testif:
rast = testif.read(1)
gt = testif.transform
pix_width = gt[0]
ulX = gt[2]
ulY = gt[5]
rows = testif.height
cols = testif.width
lrX = ulX + gt[0] * cols
lrY = ulY + gt[4] * rows
lats = np.linspace(ulY,lrY,rows+1)
a = 6378137
b = 6356752.3142
# Degrees to radians
lats = lats * np.pi/180
# Intermediate vars
e = np.sqrt(1-(b/a)**2)
sinlats = np.sin(lats)
zm = 1 - e * sinlats
zp = 1 + e * sinlats
# Distance between meridians
# q = np.diff(longs)/360
q = pix_width/360
# Compute areas for each latitude in square km
areas_to_equator = np.pi * b**2 * ((2*np.arctanh(e*sinlats) / (2*e) + sinlats / (zp*zm))) / 10**6
areas_between_lats = np.diff(areas_to_equator)
areas_cells = np.abs(areas_between_lats) * q
areagrid = np.transpose(np.matlib.repmat(areas_cells,cols,1))
This snippet returns the array areagrid
that contains the area in square kilometers of each pixel in your 4326 raster. There are a number of considerations "under the hood" that I am not detailing here, but I will note that I have compared this method with reprojection methods and the results have always been very similar.
You asked for a QGIS solution, so you would have to modify this a bit to get it to run in the Python console. Maybe overkill for what you want.
It is possible using the SAGA raster calculator per Getting latitude / longitude in the QGIS Raster Calculator and Creating direction raster in QGIS?
Since you know your cell size is 0.000833333, -0.000833333 degrees
(per comment), (or 3 arc-seconds/cell) then, you can use the xpos()
and ypos()
to convert the degrees into an area.
Assuming a minute of latitude is a standard nautical mile of 1852 meters on a spherical earth:
area_m2 = 0.000833333*60*1852 * 0.000833333*60*1852* cos(ypos())`
area_m2 = (0.000833333*60*1852)^2*cos(ypos()*pi()/180)
In the Saga raster calculator, (under Processing/Saga/Raster Calculus/Raster Calculator), choose your layer and use a formula like:
This should produce a new raster layer conformant with your input layer, with each cell holding the square meters of a 3-arc-second cell at that latitude (about 6830m2 in my area, decreasing northward)