Could anybody provide an example how to get the attributes of selected features?

I tried the following code in the Python Console : but I'm stuck at the point where I'd like to get the attributes:

from qgis.utils import iface

canvas = iface.mapCanvas()
cLayer = canvas.currentLayer()
selectList = []

if cLayer:
    count = cLayer.selectedFeatureCount()
    print (count)
    selectedList = layer.selectedFeaturesIds()

    for f in selectedList:
        # This is where I'm stuck
        # As I don't know how to get the Attributes of the features

3 Answers 3


This will work:

layer = iface.activeLayer()

features = layer.selectedFeatures()

for f in features:
    print f.attributeMap()

In PyQGIS 3:

layer = iface.activeLayer()

features = layer.selectedFeatures()

for f in features:
    # refer to all attributes
    print (f.attributes()) # results in [3, 'Group 1', 4.6]

for f in features:
    # refer to a specific values of a field index
    print(f.attribute(1)) # results in Group 1

For QGIS 3.10

Not sure if this post was asking for it in a list...

Print field of selected features

layer = iface.activeLayer()

for feature in layer.selectedFeatures():
    print(feature['field name'])

Create list of selected features

layer = iface.activeLayer()

list = []

for feature in layer.selectedFeatures():


There are also other approaches available:

Approach 1 : QgsAggregateCalculator with ArrayAggregate

Available aggregates to calculate.

Not all aggregates are available for all field types.

This approach is available since QGIS 2.16.

layer = iface.activeLayer()

# creates a memory layer of original layer exclusively with all selected features in it
temp_layer = layer.materialize(QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterFids(layer.selectedFeatureIds()))

# specify your target field
result = temp_layer.aggregate(QgsAggregateCalculator.ArrayAggregate, "your_field")[0]

# prints an output list

Approach 2 : QgsVectorLayerUtils

Contains utility methods for working with QgsVectorLayers.

This approach is available since QGIS 3.

layer = iface.activeLayer()

 # creates a memory layer of original layer exclusively with all selected features in it
temp_layer = layer.materialize(QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterFids(layer.selectedFeatureIds()))

# specify your target field
result = QgsVectorLayerUtils.getValues(temp_layer, "your_field")[0]

# print an output list


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