I have LiDAR (las) input files in EPSG:2263 (NAD83, NY state plane, feet_US) aquired from https://gis.ny.gov/elevation/ and want to convert those file to EPSG:4326 (WGS84) for use in MS Flight Simulator. I tried gdal / pdal/ liblas, lastools etc. but it seems impossible to do the right conversion. I've seen a similar question (Using proj to convert EPSG:2263 to WGS84) but there are only pairs of x and y coordinates converted. I can't see an option for z (Height) coordinates.
I have tried to create a delimitered text file first with las2txt, and then i used gdaltransform -s_srs EPSG:2263 -t_srs EPSG:4326 <in.txt >out.txt
. It produces a text file with lat long coordinates, but the conversion is somehow wrong (see image).
What is the proper way to do the conversion?