I want to filter lines which represent ship movement in a manner, that linestrings where the distance between two vertexes is greater than 1000 km are removed. I have a piece of code, however I am getting the error message that the function ST_Distance does not exist.
> ERROR: function st_distance(geometry_dump, geometry_dump) does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT ST_Distance(ST_DumpPoints(a.line), ST_DumpPoints(b.li...
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
SQL state: 42883
Character: 8
Here is my code:
SELECT ST_Distance(ST_DumpPoints(a.line), ST_DumpPoints(b.line)) dist
FROM ais_2017_09_move a, ais_2017_09_move b
WHERE mmsi = 566035000
AND dist < 1000;