I'm trying to convert gpx (without speed information) to csv (with speed information). I have gpx file that contains multiple <trk> tags, each one contains one trkseg with track points. All track points seem to be correctly ordered (from quick scrolling trough it). (Data are recorded by human, so there are segments probably because human paused recording.)

I have used following command from this answer:

gpsbabel -t -i gpx -f input.gpx -x track,speed -o unicsv -F output.csv

I got following error:

trackfilter-init: Track points badly ordered (timestamp 2008-10-09T16:16:06Z > 2008-10-09T16:15:55Z)!

Is there a way to automatically fix this? I don't necessarily need to process file as multiple segments, I need to dump everything to one csv.

1 Answer 1


I used merge filter to merge multiple tracks:

gpsbabel -t -i gpx -f input.gpx -x track,merge,speed -o unicsv -F output.csv

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