I am using 16 NDVI data from GIMMS 3rd generation, and I wish to somehow visualize monthly anomalies (Difference from long term means greater than .5). I have plotted a time series of the data running from 1981 to 2013 and have also made dictionaries matching the long term monthly means and standard deviations with each month in a key value pair.
I am struggling with making a new collection with only the anomalies.
I have listed the code I have below
I am brand new to GEE.
var NDVI = NDVI.select("ndvi");
print("NDVI", NDVI)
var plotNDVI = ui.Chart.image.seriesByRegion(NDVI, county,ee.Reducer.mean(),
'ndvi',500,'system:time_start', 'system:index')
title: 'NDVI time series',
hAxis: {title: 'Date'},
vAxis: {title: 'NDVI'}
print("Plot", plotNDVI);
//finding monthly means to classify anomalies
var month = ee.List.sequence(1,12,1);
var bymonth = ee.ImageCollection.fromImages(
month.map(function (m) {
return NDVI.filter(ee.Filter.calendarRange(m,m,'month'))
.set('month', m)}));
var months_image = bymonth.toBands();
var month_mean = months_image.reduceRegions({
collection: county, // the region over which values are sumamrized
reducer: ee.Reducer.mean(), // the summary statistic
scale:1000 });
print(month_mean.first(), "Means");
//finding monthly standard deviations to classify anomalies
var month = ee.List.sequence(1,12,1);
var bymonth = ee.ImageCollection.fromImages(
month.map(function (m) {
return NDVI.filter(ee.Filter.calendarRange(m,m,'month'))
.set('month', m)}));
var months_image = bymonth.toBands();
var month_sd = months_image.reduceRegions({
collection: county, // the region over which values are sumamrized
reducer: ee.Reducer.stdDev(), // the summary statistic
scale:1000 });
print(month_sd.first(), "Standard Deviations");
//Grouping NDVI data into monthly
var months = ee.List.sequence(1, 12);
var years = ee.List.sequence(1982, 2017);
var byMonthYear = ee.ImageCollection.fromImages(
years.map(function(y) {
return months.map(function (m) {
return NDVI
.filter(ee.Filter.calendarRange(y, y, 'year'))
.filter(ee.Filter.calendarRange(m, m, 'month'))
.set('month', m).set('year', y)
print(byMonthYear, "ByMonthYear");
//creating key value pairs between means and months
var means = ee.List([0.43123850243534323,0.3894521339616539,0.3678471519772741,0.41706308918022134,
var months = ee.List(['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','11','12']);
var sd = ee.List([0.13979703874247837, 0.13734823987549263, 0.12584764519807798
var monthmonths = ee.Dictionary.fromLists(months, month);
var monthmeans = ee.Dictionary.fromLists(months, means);
var monthsd = ee.Dictionary.fromLists(months, sd);
print("month means", monthmeans);
print("month sd", monthsd);
//var plotNDVI = ui.Chart.image.seriesByRegion(byMonthYear, county,ee.Reducer.mean(),
// .setChartType('LineChart').setOptions({
// title: 'NDVI time series',
// hAxis: {title: 'Date'},
// vAxis: {title: 'NDVI'}
//print("Plot", plotNDVI);
var meanAnomaly = ee.ImageCollection.fromImages(
years.map(function(y) {
return months.map(function (m) {
return NDVI
.filter(ee.Filter.calendarRange(y, y, 'year'))
.filter(ee.Filter.calendarRange(m, m, 'month'))
.set('month', m).set('year', y)
print("mean anomaly", meanAnomaly)