I'm trying to compile MapServer 7 with:

  • Proj 6
  • Geos 3.7
  • Gdal 2.4
  • PostGIS 2.5
  • PostgreSQL 10

But for some reason it complaining about pg_config not found, I usually insert the path /usr/pgsql-10/bin/pg_config to compile software that need the same file but with MapServer 7 I can't

Here my cmake :

        -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr/pgsql-10/bin:/usr/local/src/postgis-2.5.2:/usr/local:/opt:/usr/local/src \
        -DWITH_CURL=ON \
        -DWITH_SOS=ON \
        -DWITH_FCGI=0 \
        -DWITH_PERL=0 \
        -DWITH_RUBY=0 \
        -DWITH_JAVA=0 \
        -DWITH_CSHARP=0 \
        -DWITH_PYTHON=0 \
        -DWITH_SVGCAIRO=0 \
        -DWITH_FRIBIDI=0 \
        -DWITH_PROTOBUFC=0 \
        -DWITH_CAIRO=0 \
        -DWITH_HARFBUZZ=0 \
        -DWITH_MSSQL2008=0 \
        ../ >../configure.out.txt

I don't really understand why I can compile other software correctly and MapServer no, I don't even understand what should I put in the path as looking at this code (supposedly responsible for the check)


this is the first error that appear:

Cmake Warning at cmake/FindPostgreSQL.cmake:21 (message)
Pg_config not found, will try some defaults
Call stacks (most recent call first):
cMakeLists.txt:755 (find_package)

and the second one is:

cMake error at CmakeLists.txt:73 (messages)
POSTGIS library/components/dependency could not be found.


-disable postgis...
- add cmake_prefix_path...
Call stack (most recent call firsts)
CMakeLists.txt:590 (report_optional_not_found)

How can I compile it with PostGIS support?

  • Note that a pattern of posting and deleting downvoted questions can result in suspension of your SE account.
    – Vince
    Commented Jun 19, 2019 at 12:14
  • Ok, sorry I will bear it in mind.
    – DevWizard
    Commented Jun 19, 2019 at 15:37

1 Answer 1


I got the answer from the mapserver-users list in the end.

cmake3 -DINSTALL_LIB_DIR:PATH=/usr/lib64 \
       -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="/usr/lib64;/usr/pgsql-10" \
       -DWITH_CURL=ON \
       -DWITH_PROJ=ON \
       -DWITH_GEOS=ON \
       -DWITH_SOS=0 \
       -DWITH_FCGI=0 \
       -DWITH_PERL=0 \
       -DWITH_RUBY=0 \
       -DWITH_JAVA=0 \
       -DWITH_CSHARP=0 \
       -DWITH_PYTHON=0 \
       -DWITH_SVGCAIRO=0 \
       -DWITH_FRIBIDI=0 \
       -DWITH_CAIRO=0 \
       -DWITH_HARFBUZZ=0 \
       -DWITH_MSSQL2008=0 \
       ../ >../configure.out.txt

to notice the path in the -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH= are surrounded by "

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