I have data with this format: 4024-457 and I need to separate the left and right portions from the '-'. The data is not always in that proportion (4 numbers left and 3 to the right) so I need to calculate the position of '-' to extract both sides.
In the case of left numbers I used this expression:
Left($feature.R_ROL,Find('-', $feature.R_ROL))
But i don't find the way to extract the right portion of the main data. In ArcMap I used a VBscript expresion like this.
Right( [R_ROL] , Len( [R_ROL])- (InStr( [R_ROL] , "-")))
I can't find anything like the Len function to calculate the total lenght of the field to recreate something like the above. I'm still new to Arcade.