Is there any convenient way to change the opacity of a ol.style.Fill or ol.style.Stroke Object?

As far as I understand it, there are 2 ways to define a color with an opacity.

fill.color = [255,0,0,myOpcitay];


fill.color = 'rgba(255, 0,0,myOpacity)';

But what If I get a color attribute in hex format, like

var color = myStyle.getFill().getColor() // color #FF0000;

Do I really have to decompose the hex color definition in order to add the opacity? There must be a more user-friendly way to achieve this...

  • OpenLayers seems to return the same format which was used to set the style. So if you need to change one component always use an array,
    – Mike
    Commented Jul 18, 2019 at 14:49

3 Answers 3


You can use ol.color.asArray method for that. Fourth element of array is then opacity:

var color = myStyle.getFill().getColor();
var colorArray = ol.color.asArray(color);
var opacity = colorArray[3];

EDIT: As Mike rightfully pointed out, above code is suitable only for reading opacity. Since asArray() method returns cached color, if we want to change color and use it independantly, copy of the color has to be created with slice() method (Mike's code):

var color = myStyle.getFill().getColor();
var colorArray = ol.color.asArray(color).slice();
colorArray[3] = 0.5;
  • 3
    The API mentions the array is cached so be sure to clone it using slice otherwise you might change all red styles to semi transparent red. var colorArray = ol.color.asArray(color).slice(); colorArray[3] = 0.5; myStyle.getFill().setColor(colorArray);
    – Mike
    Commented Jul 18, 2019 at 15:14

Would a 8-digit hex-code work?

See also:

Have also a look at this page:

  • dead link unfortunately
    – Lokomotywa
    Commented Jul 18, 2019 at 14:41
  • link should work now :)
    – Thomas
    Commented Jul 18, 2019 at 14:48
  • still, it is a hassle to do math on a variable that might be 'red', '#FF0000', 'rgba(255,0,0,0)' or [255,0,0,0]
    – Lokomotywa
    Commented Jul 18, 2019 at 14:49
  • does this helps to ease the hassle: stackoverflow.com/a/28033076/42659
    – Thomas
    Commented Jul 18, 2019 at 14:50

This is old but, in May 2024, I got it to work by creating conversion functions. Ol does not accept rgba(...), but rgb(...) is fine and you can still include the opacity.

  1. hexToRgb takes two arguments: hex, opacity
  2. Because we want to use rgb values, we assume the current style's color is already rgb, so in rgbToHex, convert rgb to hex using the first three values(removes opacity).
  3. Convert the hex to rgb and embed new opacity.
export const hexToRgb = (hex: string, opacity: number): string => {
  let r = '0', g = '0', b = '0';

  if (hex.length === 4) {
    r = hex[1] + hex[1];
    g = hex[2] + hex[2];
    b = hex[3] + hex[3];

  if (hex.length === 7) {
    r = hex[1] + hex[2];
    g = hex[3] + hex[4];
    b = hex[5] + hex[6];

  return `rgb(${parseInt(r, 16)}, ${parseInt(g, 16)}, ${parseInt(b, 16)}, ${opacity})`;

export const rgbToHex = (rgb: string): string => {
  let [r, g, b, _a] = rgb.split(',').map((color) => parseInt(color));
  return `#${r.toString(16)}${g.toString(16)}${b.toString(16)}`;

Below is how I used it in a React component that allows the user to style features on the fly.

 const handleChange = (_e: any) => {
    let color = _e.target?.value || `#FFFFFF`;
    let newStyles = props.styles;
    // @ts-ignore
    newStyles[mode]['circle-fill-color'] = hexToRgb(color, props.styles[mode]['fill-opacity'])

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