I received some Sentinel-1 tiff images that were downloaded via the WCS service, so they're just the tiff files, not the full SAFE-format products. They're for the IW GRD product, and my understanding from the documentation of that product is that to use the data, you're first supposed to radiometrically calibrate the digital numbers from the tiff files, to get eg backscattering coefficient sigma-naught. The documentation says that the calibration vectors for doing this conversion are in the Annotation section of the product. Is there a way to get that information from Sentinel Hub, or maybe to specify when doing the download that we want it to apply the calibration before giving us the file?

  • Do you have to use the imagery from the WCS? As in are you looking to generate a workflow based on the process of downloading from the WCS each time...or is this a "one-time" type of process? I would look at downloading the raw imagery from the ESA Website or similar, get the ESA STEP software and follow the "recipes" or tutorials here: sentinel.esa.int/web/sentinel/toolboxes/sentinel-1/tutorials I have found the tutorials easy to use and learnt a lot. Commented Jul 30, 2019 at 4:28
  • Ultimately the goal would be to generate a workflow. I am not sure why the data we currently have is from the WCS service, maybe we will eventually want the full products, but I wanted to see if there was a way to work with the things we currently have / have a process for getting.
    – Avril
    Commented Jul 31, 2019 at 15:26

1 Answer 1


If you want to get sigma-naught, you can use backscatter coefficient parameter (see https://docs.sentinel-hub.com/api/latest/#/API/data/Sentinel-1-GRD) or configure the Sentinel Hub layer accordingly:

Configuring Sentinel Hub layer with sigma-nought backscatter coefficient

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